閤继文在荷兰埃因霍温理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e)取得博士学位,导师为Jan Fransoo(TU/e和Kuehne Logistics University)和Dorothee Honhon(UT Dallas),随后在达特茅斯学院塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College)任职博士后,导师为Brian Tomlin(Tuck School of Business)。在博士及博士后期间,其研究发展中国家零售运营问题,成果发表于Manufacturing and Service Operations Management和European Journal of Operational Research。
Jiwen Ge obtained his PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), advised by Professors Jan Fransoo (TU/e and KLU) and Dorothee Honhon(UT Dallas). He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, advised by Professor Brian Tomlin (Tuck School of Business). Throughout his PhD and postdoc studies, he conducts analytical modelling in emerging-market retail operations. His work has been published in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management and European Journal of Operational Research.
1. Jiwen Ge, Dorothee Honhon, Jan Fransoo and Lei Zhao. Supplying to mom and pop: traditional retail channel selection in megacities. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2020.1.
2. Jiwen Ge, Dorothee Honhonb, Jan C. Fransooc∗, Lei Zhaoe.Manufacturer competition in the nanostore retail channel.European Journal of Operational Research.2020.3.
“发展中国家快消品零售供应链竞争和议价”, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目