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郝忠原 副教授(常任轨)

香港理工大学博士。主要研究方向为供应链管理、运营管理及信息管理等。其研究成果已发表在Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters, European Journal of Operational Research等国际期刊上。


1. Qijun Qiu, Zhongyuan Hao*, Li Jiang. 2022. Strategic information flow under the influence of industry structure, European Journal of Operational Research, 298, 1175-1191.

2. Zhongyuan Hao,Li Jiang.2021.An Investigation into Direct Selling: Information Flow and Supply Chain Structure. Production and Operations Management, 30(6), 1785-1803.

3. Zhongyuan Hao, Li Jiang. 2019. Direct selling by suppliers improves system-wide information flow. Operations Research Letters, 47(4),305-310.

4. Zhongyuan Hao, Li Jiang, Wenli Wang. 2018. Impacts of sequential acquisition, market competition mode, and confidentiality on information flow. Naval Research Logistics, 65, 135-159.

5. Li Jiang, Zhongyuan Hao. 2016. Incentive-driven Information Dissemination in Two-tier Supply Chains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 18(3), 393-413.

6. Li Jiang, Zhongyuan Hao. 2016. Rationalizing Vertical Information Flow in a Bilateral Monopoly. Operations Research Letters, 44(3), 419-424.

7. Li Jiang, Zhongyuan Hao. 2014. On the Value of Information Sharing and Cooperative Price Setting. Operations Research Letters, 42(6-7), 399-403.

8. Li Jiang, Zhongyuan Hao. 2014. Alleviating supplier’s capital restriction by two-order arrangement. Operations Research Letters, 42(6-7), 444-449.

9. 郝忠原, 李娟, 沈厚才. 2014. 供应链中考虑零售商损失规避的交易契约研究. 管理工程学报, 28(3), 174-180.

10. 李娟, 郝忠原, 陈彩华. 2014. 过度自信委托代理人间的薪酬合同研究. 系统工程理论与实践,34(6), 1379-1387.


1. “需求不确定环境下基于信息应用与共享的制造商入侵策略研究”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (NSFC 72272026), 2023.01-2026.12

2. “供应链系统需求信息共享的驱动及协调机制研究”, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (NSFC 71701097), 2018.01-2020.12

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