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研究院论坛:NO.14Implications of Emerging Resale Platforms

报告题目:Implications of Emerging Resale Platforms

报  告  人:冯立攀

报告时间:2019年9月11日 15:30—17:30




冯立攀,东北财经大学现代供应链管理研究院博士后。2019年毕业于南开大学,研究领域为运营管理与市场营销交叉领域、物流供应链管理。2018年12月至2019年5月赴The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 开展学术交流访问。曾在European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics和International Journal of Production Research等运营管理主流期刊上发表多篇学术论文。


Recently, online marketplaces which establish authentication processes and facilitate re-selling of used products by the owners are emerging. Consumers with different (good or bad) experiences of goods can select to resell their used products through such type of resale platforms by paying a commission fee. In this paper, we conduct an analytical framework to study the operations of some emerging successful online marketplaces and how their presence affects consumer purchasing/reselling behaviors and consumer welfare. Our findings show that the optimal commission rate increases in the perceived quality under good experience and decreases in that under bad experience. In addition, two commission-rate models are equivalent: Fixed + Variable (two-part tariff) and Variable. We also find that the “lemon market” problem still exists in the P2P resale market, and the existence of resale platforms does not necessarily increase consumers’ welfare, although it improves utilization of the pre-owned products. Finally, we show similar results hold in different extended cases: (1) coupon offered by OEM for reselling, (2) pre-owned products becoming viral, and (3) The new product is limited quantity.


最近,一些建立了认证过程并促进了二手产品转售在线市场逐步兴趣。具有不同(好或坏)商品体验的消费者可通过支付一定比例的佣金,在这类的转售平台上转售他们的旧产品。本文构建了一个分析框架,研究这类新兴成功的在线市场的运作,以及它们的存在如何影响消费者购买/转售行为和消费者福利。研究结果表明:最佳佣金比例关于消费者良好体验下感知质量递增、而不良体验下感知质量递减。此外,收取佣金比例+固定佣金费用的策略完全等同于纯佣金比例策略。此外,“柠檬市场”问题在线市场环境下依然存在。虽然旧产品价值可被重新利用,但转售平台的存在并不一定会增加消费者福利。最后,类似的结果在其他一些情形中仍然成立,具体包括:(1) OEM提供转售优惠券,(2) 旧产品成为爆款,(3) 新产品为限量发售。

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