报告题目:Improving Firm Performance with Text and Image Analytics
报 告 人:夏玉森
报告地点:书音楼 503
夏玉森博士是佐之亚洲立大学罗宾森商学院Bradford and Patricia Ferrer 讲席教授,数据分析硕士专业主任。其研究对象包括结构化及非结构化数据分析,算法设计和机器学习,以及运营和供应链管理。夏教授在如下杂志发表多篇文章:Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences。夏教授是Production and Operations Management 和 Decisions Sciences 两个杂志的副主编。
Advancements in both hardware and software have made unstructured data such as texts and images a feasible source for business research in finance, marketing, accounting, information systems, management, etc. During this presentation, I will introduce the main methods to analyze texts and images, and then focus on a couple of research projects that use text or image analytics to provide business insights.