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研究院论坛:NO.40 Benefifits of Platform Disruption: The Impact of P2P Resale Market on Competing Sellers

报告题目:Benefifits of Platform Disruption: The Impact of P2P Resale Market on Competing Sellers

报 告 人:冯立攀





冯立攀,南开大学管理学博士,2019年进入东北财经大学博士后流动站,导师蔡港树教授。主要研究方向为供应链管理、运营与营销交叉领域研究等。主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,博士后面上基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金6项。研究成果发表在Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research和Journal of Cleaner Production等国内外核心期刊上,担任Production and Operations Management(POM), European Journal of Operational Research(EJOR), International Journal of Production Economics(IJPE),IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(IEEE-TEM)等十余个国际期刊审稿人,并获得2020年EJOR最佳论文奖,2018 年 Journal of Cleaner Production杰出审稿人奖,2017年 European Journal of Operational Research杰出审稿人奖。


Peer-to-peer (P2P) resale markets have grown rapidly in recent years along with online retailing. While most of online retailing platforms focus on selling new products, P2P resale platforms create a new venue for millions of used-product owners (i.e., holders) to resell their used products when updating to new ones. However, these P2P resale markets could considerably encroach onto the existing demand of new-product sellers. To explore the impact of P2P resale markets on new-product sellers, we consider a Cournot competition model with two competing firms manufacturing and selling substitutable new products and a P2P resale market. When the firms are homogeneous in production costs, our analysis first corroborates the firms' concern on the negative demand encroachment effect of the P2P resale market; as a result, both firms are worse off with the P2P resale market than without, specifically if the proportion of holders in the market is high and the discount rate of the used product is low. Although the P2P resale market attracts away those consumers with lower willingness-to-pay(WTP), it also releases some holders to purchase new products and, more importantly, allows the firms to price higher for remaining consumers with higher WTP. Therefore, if the proportion of holders in the market is low enough and the discount rate of the used product is high, both firms can instead be better off with the presence of the P2P resale market. Furthermore, when the firms are heterogeneous in production costs, we observe another unconventional outcome (i.e., the weaker's benefit) that the more cost-inefficient firm is more likely to benefit from the presence of the P2P resale market. Moreover, the presence of the P2P resale market can conditionally lead to more environmental impact and less consumer welfare. These results are robust against an endogenous commission rate of the P2P resale market or the number of competing firms.

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