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研究院论坛:NO.20 Nanostore Operations and Logistics – current Research

报告题目: Nanostore Operations and Logistics – current Research

  人:Jan C. Fransoo






Jan C. Fransoo,男,任德国汉堡Kuehne物流大学运营管理与物流学教授,同时他还担任大学主管研究的院长和执行委员会成员。Jan C. Fransoo教授拥有埃因霍温理工大学的工业工程学理学硕士学位和运营管理与物流学的哲学博士学位。Fransoo教授的研究方向是零售、化学、食品、制药和运输行业的运营、物流和供应链管理决策。他目前的研究特别关注发展中市场的零售分销和渠道管理,联运集装箱运输以及供应链中的可持续性和社会责任。Fransoo教授在Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Operations Research, Transportation Science, and European Journal of Operational Research等期刊上发表了120余篇学术期刊文章和书籍章节。Fransoo目前担任生产和运营管理,运营研究和决策科学的副编辑以及其他几本学术期刊的编辑委员会成员。


In 2017 we published our book “Reaching 50 Million Nanostores – Retail Distribution in Emerging Megacities”. Research in this domain has grown substantially in the past few years, with the first papers now having been published by various authors in the top journals of our field, along with many others in other academic and industry journals. In this talk, I will provide a brief introduction of my research perspective on the field, along with an overview of some of our published work, work under review, and studies currently in progress. These include stylized modeling work, traditional optimization, field experimentation, and econometric analysis of observational data. I will conclude by sharing some of the recent exciting developments in the field driven by the many technology startups entering this important part of retail.

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