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研究院论坛:NO.19Dynamic Inventory Control with Payment Delay and Credit Limit

报告题目: Dynamic Inventory Control with Payment Delay and Credit Limit

报 告 人:陈文博





陈文博,管理学博士,本科毕业于北京师范大学,博士毕业于上海交通大学,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 访问学者。主要研究领域包括库存控制、供应链管理、收益管理、动态规划等。其研究成果已发表在IISE Transactions,Omega,Operations Research Letters,Journal of the Operational Research Society等国际期刊上。


The credit limit term of trade credit contracts specifies the maximum amount of accounts payable a firm owes to its supplier, which establishes a tie between the effective purchasing cost and ordering quantity as well as accounts payable level. We present a multi-period stochastic inventory model with payment delay and credit limit. Our model aims at capturing the property of the optimal ordering policy with respect to the accounts payable and inventory states of the firm. For both the lost-sales and backlogging cases, the optimal order quantity is shown to be decreasing in the accounts payable and inventory level of each age. In addition, the sensitivity of the order quantity with respect to accounts payable decreases in age. That is, it is more sensitive to the younger accounts payable. In the backlogging case, the base-stock policy is not optimal due to the presence of credit limit. Somewhat surprisingly, our numerical example shows that the optimal order quantity is not necessarily increasing in the credit limit.

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