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研究院论坛:NO.18 Modelling Contracts and Incentives in Agricultural Cooperatives with an Emphasis on Quality and Financial Decisions

报告题目: Modelling Contracts and Incentives in Agricultural Cooperatives with an Emphasis on Quality and Financial Decisions

报 告 人:钱小燕








An agricultural cooperative (co-op) is an organization that is owned, financed, and controlled by a group of farmers who collaborate by pooling resources for their own mutual benefit. The success of a co-op requires a highly coordinated supply chain and a well-managed capital structure. However, the principles of user-owner, user-control, and user benefits result in several problems inherent to co-ops that create disadvantages for co-op members. We focus on two specific issues in this class: the quality coordination problem and the financing problem. To investigate the relevant trade-offs, we build models and employs the approaches of game theory, dynamic programming, case study, and numerical experiments.

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