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研究院论坛:NO.15Consignment vs. Turnkey of Component Procurement under Capital Constraint

报告题目:Consignment  vs. Turnkey of Component Procurement under Capital Constraint

报  告  人:林智平

报告时间:2019年9月11日 15:30–17:30




林智平,东北财经大学现代供应链管理研究院博士后。2019年毕业于厦门大学,研究领域为供应链金融、可持续供应链。于2017年8月至2019年2月作为公派联合培养博士生赴美国University of San Diego 进行为期一年半的访问研究。曾在《管理科学学报》等期刊上发表学术论文。


In this paper, we study a three-tier supply chain comprising a capital-constrained component supplier (SP), a contract manufacturer (CM) and an original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The OEM can both decide whether to control its component procurement (consignment strategy) or delegate that function to the CM (turnkey strategy) and decide whether to facilitate the SP to access bank loans (bank finance) or directly provide finance to the SP (buyer finance). The four sourcing and financing schemes are closed related to the SP’s product quality, which the SP can exert effort to increase it. We derive the equilibrium solutions for all the combinations of sourcing and financing strategy. Under consignment strategy, we show that if the risk-free interest rate is larger (smaller) than the OEM’s capital cost, the equilibrium product quality is lower (higher) in bank finance than in buyer finance and all firms prefer buyer (bank) finance. This is not always the case for turnkey strategy. For a given financing strategy, we find that if the OEM’s capital cost is smaller than the CM’s capital cost, both OEM and SP prefer consignment strategy. Otherwise, both OEM and SP may prefer either consignment strategy or turnkey strategy. In addition, the CM always prefers turnkey strategy.



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