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研究院论坛:NO.78 Patient Perceptions in Healthcare—Mediation Analysis

报告题目:Patient Perceptions in Healthcare—Mediation Analysis

报 告 人:Bok Joonhyuk





Bok Joonhyuk(卜俊赫),东北财经大学现代供应链管理研究院常任轨教师。博士毕业于美国仁斯利尔理工大学拉里管理和技术学院。主要研究方向为运营和供应链管理,尤其对医疗管理感兴趣。其成果已发表于Journal of Korean Production and Operations Management等期刊。


Patient perceptions of clinical care are strong predictors of not only clinical variables like readmissions but also patient satisfaction itself. Recent studies in healthcare operations management have increasingly acknowledged the importance of patient perceptual measures. However, the consensus on the types of patient perceptions critical to recovery, their relationships, and their impacts on patient satisfaction and clinical quality outcomes are unclear. Given the growing emphasis on perceptual measures in healthcare, the present study examines a couple of perceptual measures from the healthcare consumer's perspective and explores the nature of their relationship with each other as well as critical measures of overall hospital service and clinical quality. We discovered that the perception of overtreatment adversely affects patient outcomes. Additionally, we learn that the perception of recovery partially mediates the relationship between the perception of overtreatment and patient satisfaction and fully mediates the relationship between the perception of overtreatment and readmissions. We also find that the indirect relationship between the perception of overtreatment and patient outcomes through the perception of recovery gets worse at a higher level of severity of illness. Our findings show that patient perceptions, including perceptions of overtreatment and recovery, are critical for understanding the mechanism affecting patients’ overall experience during hospital visits and clinical outcomes after discharge. They are important to consider both theoretical and managerial perspectives.



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