报告题目:The Cryptocurrency Transaction Fee Market: Macro, Micro Perspectives, and Future Trends
报 告 人:Guangzhi Shang
Guangzhi Shang是佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)商业分析、信息系统和供应链系的Jim Moran运营管理副教授。他的研究成果已发表在Production and Operations Management、Journal of Operations Management、Management Information Systems Quarterly和Decision Sciences等期刊上,并获得了POM、JOM以及POM学会卓越运营卓越学院的最佳论文奖项的认可。他担任JOM期刊的实证研究方法部门和DS期刊的零售运营部门的部门编辑。他的审阅服务被认可为2019年DS杰出审阅员奖和2018年JOM最佳审阅员奖的获得者。他还被提名为POM最佳审阅员和JOM最佳副编辑。他与Mike Galbreth和Mark Ferguson合作在Reverse Logistics Magazine中制作专栏,名为“学界观点”,旨在将最新学术知识传播给处理消费者退货的行业专业人员。
Guangzhi Shang目前的研究主题有三个:消费者退货管理、服务劳工问题以及创新技术管理。他从多个角度研究第一个主题,包括零售商如何制定最佳的退货政策、原始设备制造商或零售商如何更好地预测退货数量,以及零售商如何评估其退货政策的价值。对于第二个主题,他侧重于在线聊天联系中心的情境。研究问题包括顾客等待体验对聊天会话进展的影响,代理人从他们过去经验中学习的能力,以及顾客与代理人匹配问题。对于第三个主题,他研究新兴的金融科技,如加密货币和众筹平台。他热衷于进行实践驱动的研究。
Executive Summary: Since Bitcoin’s inception in 2009, the emerging cryptocurrency sector has constantly drawn media and public attention. The focus, however, is primarily on cryptocurrency prices — a concept similar to foreign currency exchange rate and stock price, especially after the steep hike of Bitcoin and Ethereum prices in early 2021. It is surprising that such high market capitalization (over $2 Trillion) and media attention have spurred very little business research into the operational and economic principles of how cryptocurrencies actually work, much less so than the attention research community has given to crowdfunding, another popular fintech also started in 2009, whose sector’s market capitalization is only 1% of cryptocurrency’s. To fill this wide gap, I study the mechanisms behind the cryptocurrency transaction fee — a critical feature of major cryptocurrencies that maintains their stability as a decentralized system. In this seminar, I present the background of cryptocurrency transaction fee market, offer insights from two empirical studies (one takes a macro supply-demand perspective and the other takes a micro, transaction confirmation time perspective), and at the end, look into the future with developments from the Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1559 (commonly known as EIP1559).