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研究院论坛:NO.96 Physician Adoption of AI Assistant

报告题目:Physician Adoption of AI Assistant

报 告 人:侯婷

报告时间:2024年01月03 日(星期三),10:00-11:30




侯婷,中国科学技术大学管理科学与工程专业博士。研究兴趣包括运营管理与信息系统的交叉领域、新兴数字智能技术在商业中的应用等。研究成果发表在Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review、Annals of Operations Research等期刊。



AI assistants---software agents that can perform tasks or services for individuals---are among the most promising AI applications. However, little is known about the adoption of AI assistants by service providers (i.e., physicians) in a real-world healthcare setting.  In this paper, we investigate the impact of AI smartness (i.e., whether the AI assistant is powered by machine learning intelligence) and the impact of AI transparency (i.e., whether physicians are informed of the AI assistant. We collaborate with a leading healthcare platform to run a field experiment in which we compare physicians’ adoption behavior, i.e., adoption rate and adoption timing, of smart and automated AI assistants under transparent and non-transparent conditions. We find that the smartness can increase the adoption rate and shorten the adoption timing, while the transparency can only shorten the adoption timing. Moreover, the impact of AI transparency on the adoption rate is contingent on the smartness level of the AI assistant: the transparency increases the adoption rate only when the AI assistant is not equipped with smart algorithms and fails to do so when the AI assistant is smart. Our study can guide platforms in designing their AI strategies. Platforms should improve the smartness of AI assistants. If such an improvement is too costly, the platform should transparentize the AI assistant, especially when it is not smart.

撰稿:王   戈


复审:刘   旭

终审:张   颖

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