2023年12月28日上午,现代供应链管理研究院第95期学术论坛在明哲楼504如期举行。主讲人杨金鑫,现为浙江大学管理学院博士。她的研究主要聚焦于农产品供应链质量控制和质量提升。她的研究方法主要为理论模型与实证研究。本次报告题目为“Adulteration in Traceable Supply Chains under Government Inspections: Side-Effect and Competition from Non-Traceable Supply Chains”
To deter economically motivated adulteration (EMA) in farming supply chains, government agencies worldwide inspect products sold in markets and penalize non-compliant entities. In this paper, we develop a game-theoretical model to assess the effectiveness of government inspections in deterring EMA in a market containing both traceable and non-traceable supply chains. Traceability aids the inspection agency in precisely identifying the provenance of sampled products, thereby targeting the farm to impose penalty if adulteration detected. We first examine the mechanisms of direct and indirect penalty by which governments deter EMA in the traceable and non-traceable supply chains, respectively. Then we fully characterize the adulteration behaviors of the farms in response to government penalties. Our analysis indicates that higher government penalties may inadvertently induce the traceable farm to adulterate. This is driven by the traceable farm’s desire to gain a more favorable competitive position and to circumvent the side-effect of indirect penalties. We also perform a preliminary empirical analysis by utilizing a sampling test dataset of China’s domestic agricultural market. Under specific market conditions, we observe a positive correlation between government inspection frequency and adulteration rate of the traceable farms, which aligns with our analytical results.