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ISCA明哲论坛:NO. 104 A Blessing or a Curse? Teletriage Service in Healthcare

报告题目:A Blessing or a Curse? Teletriage Service in Healthcare

报 告 人:吴皓






吴皓,华中科技大学管理科学与工程专业博士研究生。研究领域主要为智慧医疗管理,运营管理与市场营销交叉等。相关研究成果已发表在IISE Transactions上,另有多篇文章处于Management Science、Production and Operations Management以及Transportation Research Part E等期刊的修改阶段。  



Teletriage is a telehealth service that uses telecommunication technologies to screen patients remotely to determine patients’ condition and need for medical treatment. This paper investigates how teletriage service affects patients’ decisions to seek medical treatment and when healthcare providers (e.g., medical businesses, hospitals, or clinics) should launch teletriage. We show that teletriage can draw more mild patients to seek treatment while deterring more severe patients. Consequently, even if teletriage is costless, healthcare providers might abandon this service, despite the fact that teletriage always improves patient surplus. Patients can be better off seeking medical treatment from a provider who charges a higher treatment price. Adoption of teletriage leads some providers to increase their price of medical treatment but other providers to reduce it. When providers can charge a fee for patients to use teletriage, they always launch teletriage and may even pay patients for using teletriage. Patients can be better off if providers charge patients a fee for the teletriage service. These results caution healthcare policymakers that teletriage can exacerbate healthcare inefficiency instead of alleviating it. Nevertheless, to improve patient surplus, the government should sometimes subsidize providers to offer teletriage or allow providers to charge a teletriage fee.

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